Collects all of my published poetry books. Also provides an uptodate view of my poetry, especially haiku and tanka.

My Photo
Location: Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India

Ram Krishna Singh is an Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology. Born on 31 December 1950 in Varanasi, India, he has authored more than 160 research articles,170 book reviews and 45 books. His works have been anthologized in over 150 publications. Dr Singh's poems have been widely translated and explored in several M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses. Till recently,Professor of English at IIT-ISM, Dhanbad,he is now happily retired and pursuing his literary interests.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Anisija Crepovic publishes my tanka in Serbian in Haiku Magazine

Ogledalo proguta
moje otiske na obali
ne krivim talase
guske su me nadmasile
sory guske su me naletale
senke su se udaljine
for Serbian lenguage for you dear Ram Krishna Singh

Sunday, December 16, 2018


in the icy wind
my fingers
she fears the chill
on her cheeks

--R K Singh 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Chilly December
choicest whiskies on the shelf
not a drop to drink

--R K Singh 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


in my path
a monkey wrench--

--R.K. Singh