Collects all of my published poetry books. Also provides an uptodate view of my poetry, especially haiku and tanka.

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Location: Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India

Ram Krishna Singh is an Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology. Born on 31 December 1950 in Varanasi, India, he has authored more than 160 research articles,170 book reviews and 45 books. His works have been anthologized in over 150 publications. Dr Singh's poems have been widely translated and explored in several M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses. Till recently,Professor of English at IIT-ISM, Dhanbad,he is now happily retired and pursuing his literary interests.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The dawn is still asleep in the east

don’t dupe us we are marching

toward the promised new age

we don’t cross the summit in one go

the hollow bamboos and dry blades conspire

to drug us in our own name

the summer loo batters the parched land

the yellowed fields in May and June

will not green. It’s never vernal here

The palm-leaf fan can’t quench the flame

the vultures of pre-liberation decades

are picking potatoes from a rotten heap

the city is a cowered dog dazzling in neon

they fight against evils and rots

with the anarchy of flags and slogans

the flood in the Brahmaputra will turn men into fish

they are not aware though I dream of the vast

land of lotus shining with young morning sun


(composed on 30 May 1980)

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Blogger cafe_bean said...

beautiful poetry! I hope to read more soon! Read my new blog thecoffeelife.blogspot.com and find out what it is like living and commuting in a major British city! I hope you find it interesting and leave me some comments,


8:22 AM  
Blogger  Ram Krishna Singh said...

Hi, Rhys: I have been to the UK and visited a couple of friends as well. Your blog does reveal the kind of life and living there today. Enjoyed reading your entries this morning.
All the best

10:16 PM  
Blogger Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Great poem! I especially like the line about the city cowering like a neon dog (one among many great images).

I will look for you tomorrow at Poetry Thursday.

11:00 PM  

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